About the Journal

A scientific journal by Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Landscape Architecture and Art, is published recurrently as of 2012. Since 2016, the journal is indexed in the database of international scientific articles SCOPUS.

The scientific journal is released each year in two volumes, publishing articles on researches, including a wide range of research issues in landscape architecture, architecture, and art. The articles in the journal are published in the English language with short summaries in the Latvian language. The journal publishes researches by international scientists related to the issues of urban planning, cultural heritage, rural landscapes, as well as architecture and arts in various countries.

The drafting group of Landscape Architecture and Art is located at Valdeka castle, which at the same time is a residence of studies and scientific researches for landscape architects, and historically belonged to Baron Christoph Karl von der Recke until the 20s of the 20th century.


Current Issue

Vol. 24 No. 24 (2024): Landscape architecture and art : scientific journal of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Landscape architecture and art : scientific journal of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Jelgava : Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Volume 24, Issue 24, 2024, 112 p. DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2024.24. E-ISSN 2255-8640
Published: 10-10-2024

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