Malpils Manor: architecture, cultural and historical developments. Second half of the 18th century – first quarter of the 21st century


  • Jānis Zilgalvis Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia



architectural heritage, monument protection and preservation


The history of construction of the Malpils Manor (Lemburg), which is closely linked to cultural history, has developed over a long period of time – from the second half of the 18th century to the present day. It has seen its heyday and its down times, when it was burnt down and destroyed. However, its fate was not sealed to disappear from the face of the earth, as has happened to many similar buildings in other Latvian manors. The manor house has blossomed again in all its glory, and is awaiting everyone who wants to spend some time in a well-tended historic and truly noble environment. However, the study of the manor in its broad cultural and historical context is still relevant.

Author Biography

Jānis Zilgalvis, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia

In 1979, Jānis Zilgalvis graduates from the Faculty of Architecture of the Riga Technical University. In 1990, he defends his doctoral thesis on the theme ”The Latvian manor architecture from the second half of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1995, he heads the Department of Architecture of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection and from 2001 until 2014 – he is the dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga Technical University. Since 2012, he is a full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. He has more than 180 scientific and popular scientific publications, and he is the author of 21 books (for some books – a co-author). His main research directions are as follows: manor architecture and history of culture, sacred architecture, protection and utilization of the cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Zilgalvis, J. (2022). Malpils Manor: architecture, cultural and historical developments. Second half of the 18th century – first quarter of the 21st century. Landscape Architecture and Art, 21(21), 96–104.