Objects-memes in the architectural organization of attractive urban public spaces
objects-memes, public space, squares and parksAbstract
A methodology is proposed for the architectural organization of new and activation of existing abandoned, degrading urban spaces and their transformation into attractive public spaces through the introduction of new architectural objects-memes into them, which will bring new emotional and functional content to these places. The notions of a meme in architecture and object-meme are introduced and scientifically substantiated. The last one is proposed as a tool for activating and increasing the attractiveness of existing and new various urban public spaces and, in particular, city parks and squares. The questions that object-meme must solve for this are generalized and systematized. Based on an international sociological video experiment on the perception of different people in different urban public spaces, the characteristics of the last ones, which evoke positive emotions in most people in them, were analyzed and summarized. Recommendations are systematized on the architectural and functional organization of such spaces, in particular city squares and parks, and the placement of objects-memes in them. Approbation of the put forward theoretical provisions is presented in the conceptual projects for the creation of a new city square in the historical part of Kyiv and the revitalization of the existing degrading park in the Gran-San-Blas area in Madrid.
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