"Official" and "private" parks of the XVIII–XIX centuries through the prism of general landscape trends of the time
Oleksandriia Park, Sofiivka Park, , landscape trends, Baroque, Classicism, Historicism-RomanticismAbstract
The article analyzes the basic principles of landscape design of the imperial and aristocratic parks in the Russian Empire in the XVIII–XIX centuries. There were "official" parks designed to be visited by high-ranking guests, and "private" parks, which were not covered by the canons of the "official" park. In the Tsarskoye Selo imperial residence Catherine's Park performed the function of "official" with the appropriate function of pomp, and located next to it Alexander's Park – respectively, the function of "private" imperial park. Catherine's Park became a model to follow one of the most famous parks in modern Ukraine – Oleksandriia Park in the city of Bila Tserkva. The common and different between Tsarskoye Selo park residence and aristocratic parks in Ukraine are analyzed, the principles of planning of these parks and the main constituent elements are compared. Based on this, the basic principles of planning parks of the Classicism and Empire style era in Ukraine and the "iconic" set of pavilions are determined. The general canons of the "Ossian Park" and their specific embodiment are analyzed on the example of Sofiivka Park in Uman. It was determined that the "Ossian Park" based on the canons is opposite to the parks of Classicism-Empire style. The methods of historical and culturological analysis, method of comparative analysis, method of field surveys used.
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