Interaction of landscape and indoor space in architecture of Roja open-air stage / summer concert hall
landscape architecture, architecture, interaction of landscape and indoor space, concert hallAbstract
In the art of environmental design, architecture, landscape architecture and interiors need to be balanced through interdisciplinary collaborative planning to enhance the psycho-emotional quality of environment, and in this respect, the study of the interaction of landscapes and indoor space through comparative analysis and inductive reference continue. Enclosed by evergreen Vacciniosa type of forest, the impressive building of the new Roja Stage / Summer Concert Hall has been standing proudly on the shores of the Gulf of Riga since 2019. The building actively contrasts with the surrounding landscape. The language of architectural forms in glass and concrete is geometrically sharp, saturated with broken lines and planes in contrast to the adjacent natural landscape, pine forest. The specific detailed case study underlines the importance of balanced interdisciplinary collaboration in harmonious interaction between architecture, landscape and indoor space.
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