Cultural and historical research of Nītaure manor


  • Jānis Zilgalvis Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia



protection and preservation of architectural and cultural heritage, parks and gardens


The manor of Nitaure (Nitau) is located in Cesis County, where the roads to Riga, Sigulda, Piebalga and Ieriķi meet. The village of Nitaure began to develop only after 1887, when separate plots of land were separated from the manor for residential purposes. This time, however, the subject of research is the manor house and its owners, as well as the park, which, tidy and well-kept, delights not only the local residents. The history of the manor is closely linked to the von Fermor and von Stenbock-Fermor families. Research into the history of the manor is topical, as it is rich in events that have taken place throughout the ages. There is also a lot of evidence in the archives and other historical material.

Author Biography

Jānis Zilgalvis, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia

In 1979, Jānis Zilgalvis graduates from the Faculty of Architecture of the Riga Technical University.
In 1990, he defends his doctoral thesis on the theme ”The Latvian manor architecture from the second half of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1995, he heads the Department of  Architecture of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection and from 2001 until 2014 – he is the dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Riga Technical University. Since 2012, he is a full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. He has more than 180 scientific and popular scientific  publications, and he is the author of 21 books (for some books – a co-author). His main research directions are as follows: manor architecture and history of culture, sacred architecture, protection and  utilization of the cultural heritage.


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Autora personīgais krājums

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How to Cite

Zilgalvis, J. (2023). Cultural and historical research of Nītaure manor. Landscape Architecture and Art, 23(23), 82–86.