Orientation of monumental decorative sculpture in urban space


  • Andrii Polubok Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • Oksana Pylypchuk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine




orientation of sculptural composition, types of perception of monumental and decorative sculpture


This article examines and analyzes the main characteristic features of the relationship between sculpture and the external urban environment, the essence of which is the principle of its perception in certain locations, taking into account the orientation – the angles of perception of a specific sculptural composition that is projected in the urban space. The peculiarities of the orientation of monumental-decorative sculpture in architectural space are investigated. An analysis of the patterns was carried out (using real examples) and the probable directions of perception of the expressive silhouette of the sculpture were determined both in typical and in special spatial situations of the urban environment. Directions and points of view are identified, the totality of which constitutes the zones of perception of the sculptural composition depending on the specific spatial situation, which is based on a system of classifications of the external urban environment. 
Based on the results obtained during the study, the types of perception of the expressive silhouette of monumental and decorative sculpture are systematized and formulated, taking into account the main and additional zones, points and directions: circular perception in closed space and open space, frontal perception in half-closed space and half-open space, frontal perception in corner space, and frontal-bilateral perception in transit space. As a result of the study, a method was developed for determining the types of perception of sculpture, taking into account its orientation and relationship with the layout of urban space. The advantage of this method is the ability to identify in advance (at the modeling and design stage) the directions of the main, additional zones and observation points of the expressive silhouette of monumental and decorative sculpture of any genre and type in urban space. The proposed method for determining the types of perception of the most expressive silhouettes of  sculptural compositions will help to more effectively model, design and install monumental and decorative sculptures, taking into
account specific spatial situations and features of the urban environment.

Author Biographies

Andrii Polubok, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine

Phd (Technical Sciences), Assistant professor at the Department of Design, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotskyi Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine. Research Interests: visual art, environment design, landscape design, architecture.

Oksana Pylypchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine

Phd (Technical Sciences), Assistant professor at the Department of Design, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotskyi Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine. Research Interests: visual art, environment design, architecture.


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How to Cite

Polubok, A., & Pylypchuk, O. (2023). Orientation of monumental decorative sculpture in urban space. Landscape Architecture and Art, 23(23), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.22616/j.landarchart.2023.23.07